Forex Investment

Now you know the advantages of investing in the capital markets and not a busines. In this article we will see the reason of investing in forex (foreign exchange market) and not on other types of assets like shares, warrants, cfds or other capital markets like IBEX, NYSE, NASDAQ, DAX. First Question: What is Forex? It is the largest market in the world where the negotiated product are the currency. The daily trading volume amounts to the whopping amount of 3.98 billion dollars ($3.980.000.000.000). It is the biggest capital market of the world!! Why we are interested in or should be interested in? As more liquid at the market, more money is traded. An Forex is a really quickly and easy way to earn money. At the same time, you must know that a high volume of transactions is correlated with higher risk. You can earn a lot of money but the forex is one of the most risky makert. In forex you have not to pay a lot of comissions it is one of the lowest rate tax. You can compare it with your country laws about capital market. You don't need to be an guru to earn in forex. You have to learn a few things and develope your own investments strategies. Watch next video it explains a lot about forex. Watch one video is better than read one thousand words.